Monday, November 3, 2008

A Vote for Obama will lead to innocent babies being killed.

You can continue to cover your eyes and act as if your blind, or plug your ears and act as if your deaf. If you cast your vote on Tuesday for Obama, you are voting for someone who thinks the killing of innocent babies is okay. God sees all things. Open your eyes America!! This is the greatest genocide to ever happen on our planet. The holocaust has nothing on the genocide going on in America. We have killed over 50 million babies since the late 60's. Abortions are now up to over 6000 a day. May God have mercy on this country.

There is hope, and it can only be found in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We need to look at ourselves in truth. Look at the Ten Commandments. Have you ever lied(the Bible says all liars will have their part in the lake of fire), have you ever stolen anything, have you ever looked at a person with lust(sexual desire) Jesus said this would be committing adultery in your heart. Have you ever used God's name in vain? This is called blaspheme and it is when we take God's name, the one who gave us life and everything we have, and we use His name as a four letter filth word. Have you ever murdered someone? Jesus said if you hate your brother then you've committed murder in your heart. Abortion is murder, no matter if we want to make it sound better by calling it Pro-choice, it is the choice to murder an innocent child or not too. The Bible says that no theif, adulterer, blasphemer, or murderer will inherit the kingdom of God. If we are guilty of breaking the law, this would make us law breakers. The Bible makes it clear that the penalty for being a law breaker(sinner) is Hell for eternity, where there will be weeping, knashing of teeth, and forever torment. That's the bad news, but there is good news. Gospel actually means good news. 2000 years ago God stepped off His throne and became a man, born from a virgin. He lived a perfect sinless life like no one ever has. His name was Jesus Christ. He then went on the cross willingly. The Bible says that God showed His love towards us in while we were yet sinners Christ died for us. Then three days later He rose from the grave defeating death. He who knew no sin became sin so that we may become righteous before God. A civil transaction was taking place on the cross. You broke the law, but Jesus stepped in and paid your fine. The Bible says you must REPENT(turn from you sin) and TRUST in JESUS ALONE for your eternal salvation. There is nothing more important. The Gospel of Christ is the only hope. Get a Bible and read and obey it. God bless!!

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